• Probiotics

Do Probiotic Supplements Survive Stomach Acid?

Before you purchase a probiotic supplement with the belief that you'll gain all the benefits of a probiotic, you should…

4 years ago
  • Drinks

Is Buttermilk a Probiotic?

Buttermilk, like other naturally fermented foods, have plenty of live cultures that qualify then to be probiotics. Buttermilk is made…

4 years ago
  • Probiotics

Can You Take Vitamins with Probiotics?

Vitamins and probiotics equally play a significant role in our bodies. Whether it's metabolism, reproductive health, cardiovascular function, among other…

4 years ago
  • Probiotics

What are Probiotics? Definition &Meaning

What are probiotics? What does the word probiotic mean? How does the World Health Organization, Biology online, and other dictionaries…

4 years ago
  • Drinks

Best Probiotic Drinks-Benefits & List

Probiotics drinks are defined as drinks which contain live micro-organisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit…

4 years ago
  • women

Probiotics & Menstrual Cycle-Do they Affect your Period?

Did you know that the hormones that regulate your menstrual cycle are normally influenced your gut? For most women, managing…

4 years ago
  • prebiotics

Can you Take Prebiotics and Probiotics Together?

Prebiotics are the indigestible fiber that nourishes the beneficial bacteria in your gut. So. you should combine probiotics and prebiotics?…

5 years ago
  • side effects

What Happens When You Stop Taking Probiotics?

Probiotics have been gaining popularity in the recent past which has led to more and more questions from interested parties.…

5 years ago
  • side effects

Kefir Side Effects/Dangers

Kefir is extensively studied, and it's generally considered a safe drink. Nutritional Research Reviews show that Kefir bolsters digestive health.…

5 years ago
  • Sources

Best Probiotic Vegetables & Foods for Vegans

Like most people, you likely associate ‘probiotics’ to yogurt. But if you’re a vegan, there are plenty of plant-derived probiotic-rich…

5 years ago