Before you purchase a probiotic supplement with the belief that you'll gain all the benefits of a probiotic, you should…
Buttermilk, like other naturally fermented foods, have plenty of live cultures that qualify then to be probiotics. Buttermilk is made…
Vitamins and probiotics equally play a significant role in our bodies. Whether it's metabolism, reproductive health, cardiovascular function, among other…
What are probiotics? What does the word probiotic mean? How does the World Health Organization, Biology online, and other dictionaries…
Probiotics drinks are defined as drinks which contain live micro-organisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit…
Did you know that the hormones that regulate your menstrual cycle are normally influenced your gut? For most women, managing…
Prebiotics are the indigestible fiber that nourishes the beneficial bacteria in your gut. So. you should combine probiotics and prebiotics?…
Probiotics have been gaining popularity in the recent past which has led to more and more questions from interested parties.…
Kefir is extensively studied, and it's generally considered a safe drink. Nutritional Research Reviews show that Kefir bolsters digestive health.…
Like most people, you likely associate ‘probiotics’ to yogurt. But if you’re a vegan, there are plenty of plant-derived probiotic-rich…