Categories: Probiotics for

Best Probiotics for IBS Diarrhea & Constipation (IBS-D & IBS-C)

Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition that is quite prevalent in the general population. It is a long term challenge whose effect is experienced over a duration of time and has a number of symptoms associated with it. For instance, it leads to the experiencing of stomach cramps, having diarrhea, constipation and bloating. It is important to note that the symptoms are not all similar across the various people who experience it but rather, they vary from one individual to the next. However, the ones mentioned are general and more frequently reported.

IBS and Probiotics-Do Probiotics help IBS

IBS, also termed as spastic colon is a condition whose presence can be diagnosed by the presence of varying symptoms. With its association with the colon being rather direct, the inhabitants of the colon have a stake in either aggravating it or relieving it. Among the inhabitants of the colon include the presence of good bacteria which aids in the breakdown and absorption of minerals and other benefits that are present in the intestines.

Following a study undertaken by George Aragon, Deborah, Marie and David B. Doman on Probiotic therapy for irritable bowel syndrome, it was noted that the use of probiotics in handling IBS has positive effects. The intestinal mucosa is improved based on the suppression of the growth of those pathogenic bacteria. It was further noted that the probiotics secrete short chain fatty acids which later lead to the reduction in the luminal PH and production of bactericidal proteins.

To enhance mucosal integrity, butyric acid which is a byproduct of bacterial fermentation of kefir nourishes colonic enterocytes which then lead to enhanced mucosal integrity. In their conclusion, the research observed that the probiotics have a role to play in delivering the therapeutic payloads that are released at the areas where inflammations have happened in the intestinal tract.


Probiotics for IBS Diarrhea (IBS-D)

Where IBS has led to loose stool or diarrhea, the use of probiotics can be levied to yield benefits in its alleviation. There are various commercially available products that can be utilized to meet this need. Where frequent bouts of diarrhea are experienced, it is considerable to take probiotics Saccharomyces boulardii which could aid in the resolving of this condition. This is actually a yeast that is friendly to the body and serves to aid in the relieving bowel disorders.

There are other available products such as culturelle probiotics that also serve the role of restoring the intestinal flora and restoring the balance whose presence implies a healthy bowel. While many options are available, including the use of naturally sourced probiotics to aid in the resolution, it is important to consider and seek the doctor’s opinion on the matter.

More so, it is very important when the patient in question has experienced it for extended duration of time, has had medication or is using antibacterial medicines or is pregnant. Where there has not been directly established challenges towards this, there is a lot of attention that the body of a pregnant woman for instance needs in order to carry a pregnancy to full term. It is also important to note that before settling on the probiotic to use, evaluation or checking the inserts on the number and potent for live bacteria availed by the product in question. The number of live bacteria would end up being the most critical determining factor that aids in the establishment of the micro flora balance.

Probiotics for IBS constipation (IBS-C)

Irritable bowel syndrome can also result in a situation where the individual experiences constipation. There are varying theories that attempt to explain the origin and genesis of this condition. One key and notable reason is the inability of the body to absorb the food as they should but instead, the food seems to ferment in the small intestines.

The small intestines are a rather sensitive part of the digestive tract where if there is abnormality in the processes that they handle, the body experiences challenges such as bloating and or constipation. The use of probiotics to address constipation arising from the presence of the IBS condition has been in use for a long time now.

Probiotics specifically bifodobacteria and fibre serve to avail the necessary elements to aid in this challenge. The relieving of the condition implies that the bacteria serves to get the body to have well-formed bowel movements which is easy to pass and at the same time supports gut health in general. OptiBac Probiotics is credited in establishing and maintaining regularity in the bowel movement.

A clinical trial was undertaken with one double blind and randomized placebo controlled test. In it, there were about 100 women who had a tendency towards frequent constipation. They were given Bifidobacterium lactis and prebiotics over a duration of observing and analyzing the results, it was noted that most had reduced intestinal transit time to about 13 percent. As a general guide, when the bowel movements are more frequent, the chances of being constipated are less.

While the bacterial strain has an impact in how effective it is, it is widely noted that the presence of probiotics has an impact in the digestive health. In addition to this, fiber products are beneficial in that they seek to nourish the good bacteria that is actively aiding the body adjust to the changes that could be available at a particular point.

What is the best Probiotic for IBS

In settling on the best probiotic for Irritable bowel syndrome, there is no easy answer since most of the body reactions are dependent on an individual’s tolerance for a given supplement. The supplements availed have different strains of bacteria in their manufacturing process to the extent that different products end up having different general probiotic outlines.

For instance, the number of live bacteria is subject to the manufacturer to explain on the packet insert. Depending ont eh recipient body, the determination of effectiveness would be based on how their body would receive the probiotic supplement first and second, how effective the probiotic would be once it is consumed. The side effects also vary from individual to individual. As such what is recommended for one party may not be the best solution for another party. However, despite the difficulty in making a choice for one against the other, the general criteria remains to be

  • Who is it intended to consume the probiotic supplement
  • How many live or active microorganisms are present in the serving to be availed
  • What form is it available in
  • How many different strains are present in the chosen probiotic supplement
  • Are there any other benefits in terms of extra nutrients availed in the candidate supplement.
  • Of the contents present in a given probiotic is there any that you may react with or to

By seeking to get an answer to the questions raised, there is a high chance that one may easily get to identify the most appropriate probiotic supplement for their consumption.

Published by
Maryland Wikie

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