
Probiotics with Saccharomyces Boulardii

There are a number of probiotic strains in the market today. Saccharomyces boulardii,  a tropical species of yeast, is one of the most sought strain. In this article find out what it is, health benefits, best probiotics with S. boulardii and its safety

What is Saccharomyces Boulardii & Lactobacillus

These are strains of healthy and friendly bacteria that are found in the human body. Apart from that, they are also found in foods that we take daily. This is mostly in the fermented foods like yoghurt and fermented milk.

What is Saccharomyces Boulardii and its importance

Saccharomyces boulardii is a microorganism that is quite different from the normal and well known species of probiotics. It is a natural yeast that is originally obtained from lychee fruit. It is a transient microorganism and this means it goes through the gut without binding to the wall of the gut.[1]

saccharomyces boulardii

In order to reap the full benefits, you are supposed to take four daily doses of 250-500 milligrams (mg) and 1 gram (g) per day. In as much as it does not cause much side effects, it is wise that you consult your medical personnel, especially when you are allergic to yeast, breastfeeding or pregnant.

It comes as an over the counter medication and you can take it orally. It is found in other foods apart from yoghurt. They include kefir, kombucha, kimchi and also miso.[2]

Saccharomyces boulardii is a nonpathogenic yeast, reportedly able to protect the intestine against Clostridium difficile and cholera toxins, clinically effective in preventing antibiotic-induced diarrhea, diarrhea associated with tube-feeding in critically ill patients, and recurrence of Clostridium difficile infection[3]

It has shown usefulness in antibiotic-associated diarrhea. There were controlled studies done and out of the 10 studies, 8 showed significant efficacy for the prevention of antibiotic related diarrhea. Antibiotics prescribed for a bacterial infection in a different part of the body can disrupt the “good bacteria” in your gut, flushing them out of your system along with the “bad” ones.

Usually, the diarrhea stops after a few days, but at other times, it can lead to colitis or Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) colitis, which requires hospitalization. Studies show that taking S. boulardii alongside your antibiotics can reduce the possibility of getting diarrhea. [McFarland L.V. (2010) Systematic review and meta-analysis of Saccharomyces boulardii in adult patients. World J Gastroenterol 16: 2202–2222].

Well-established colonies of Saccharomyces boulardii can shield your body from the actions of harmful organisms. This yeast secretes compounds that specifically suppress Candida colonization by inhibiting its plaque-like buildup, especially on the surfaces of medical implants like dentures and catheters[4]

Persistent diarrhea: it has been shown that it improves the outcome in children with persistent diarrhea. There is need to use larger population of the strain of bacteria in order to have an effective treatment at the end of it all. [Castaneda C., Garcia E., Santa Cruz M., Fernandez M., Monterrey P. (1995) Effects of Saccharomyces boulardii in children with chronic diarrhea, especially cases due to giardiasis. Rev Mex Pueric Pediatr 2: 12–16].[5]

Amoeba infections (amebiasis): Early research shows that taking Saccharomyces boulardii by mouth along with antibiotics reduces diarrhea and stomach pain in people with amoeba infections.[6]

Apart from that, it can also help treat other ailments, such as lactose intolerance, and might even have a future in the treatment of acne, vaginal yeast infections, high cholesterol, fever blisters, and canker sores. It seems to improve the quality of life if you are diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), as well as Crohn’s disease.[7]

What is lactobacillus and its importance

On the other hand, lactobacillus is a strain of bacteria that is found in the mouth, intestine and the vagina. It is a friendly bacteria and as such, it can also be found in fermented foods like yogurt and dietary supplements.[8]

This bacteria colony works by helping to break down the food and absorb nutrients, then fight unfriendly organisms that are likely to be a source of disease and diarrhea. It is very safe when it is taken by mouth. The side effects that may result are very minimal which include intestinal gas also called bloating.

The bacteria has been shown to have some usefulness and importance as follows:

Hay fever: the consumption of 3 billion colonies of bacteria daily for 5 weeks can improve the quality of life for almost 18% in those with grass pollen grain allergy that fails to respond to anti-allergy medications.

It has also been shown that the bacteria can help to reduce the side effects that are associated with the treatment of ulcers as a result of helicobacter pylori. Apart from that, it has been shown to be very effective for acne management when taken orally.

It can be used to treat eczema especially in infants that comes about as a result of allergies to cow milk. There is a similar study that points out that during pregnancy, it reduces the risks of eczema in the infants to a greater extent.

It can be used to treat irritable bowel symptom. There is a huge evidence that shows that lactobacillus acidophilus can improve symptoms that are related to irritable bowel syndrome like bloating and stomach pain. Lactobacillus plantarum 299v is also useful in improving the symptoms.

Treatment of ulcerative colitis: taking specific combination of product that contains lactobacillus helps to improve the symptoms in people with ulcerative colitis. Continuous treatment will work for you if you do it for a long time.

Diarrhea in children caused by a certain virus (rotavirus): Children with rotaviral diarrhea who are being treated with Lactobacillus seem to get over their diarrhea about a half day earlier than they would without this treatment. Larger doses of lactobacillus are more effective than smaller ones. At least 10 billion colony-forming units during the first 48 hours should be used.

It has proven useful in allergic reactions (atopic disease): There is some Research suggests that taking Lactobacillus might prevent the development of atopic disease, but only certain Lactobacillus strains seem to reduce the risk. A specific strain of Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus GG (Culturelle), taken by mouth 2-4 weeks before delivery and continued for the first three to six months of breast-feeding seems to prevent atopic disease (asthma, allergic rhinitis, and eczema) in infants with a family history of this condition.

It works to reduce diarrhea related to HIV: Taking Saccharomyces boulardii by mouth has been shown to reduce diarrhea related to HIV.

It also helps in traveler’s diarrhea. Taking Saccharomyces boulardii by mouth appears to prevent traveler’s diarrhea.

Best Probiotics with Saccharomyces Boulardii and Lactobacillus

Saccharomyces Boulardii & MOS 90 Veg Cap

it is able to survive the stomach acid and it colonizes the intestinal tract. It is very useful in protecting the beneficial micro-biota and enhance the immune function. MOS is an oligosaccharide from the cell walls of yeast that can discourage the bacteria from adhering to the epithelial cells and reduce proliferation.

saccharomyces boulardii + Mos

Saccharomyces Boulardii Veg Capsules:

It is soy free, vegan and vegetarian friendly, it is nut free, non GMO, egg free, dairy free, corn free and made without gluten.


They have mottled appearance because of the inherent colors and the particle sizes of the saccharomyces ingredient and the cellulose fiber. It has benefits to the gastrointestinal tract as follows:

  • Supports growth of beneficial intestinal flora.
  • Increases secretory IgA (sIgA) the body’s first line of defense in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Enhances gut immunity.
  • Numerous studies show saccharomyces boulardii supports the gastrointestinal system
  • Helpful for occasional diarrhea[11]


It is a product of the Global Healing Center. It is an advanced blend of 23 probiotics, including Saccharomyces boulardii, that support digestive health and balance.[12]

The strains and species of lactobacillus that would be very useful include lactobacillus rhamnosus. Lactobacillus fermentum, lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus longus. All these when they combine, they perform very unique roles in the body. The packaging and delivery of the supplements of the probiotics is very different based on who (male or female) will be using it.

Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1

It has been found that this specific probiotic strain possesses vital properties important to human health. According to a research at a major Midwestern university showed how DDS-1 enhanced human health because it colonized well in the human gut.

Research and studies also suggest DDS-1 can be effective toward enhancing human health because it…

  • Adapts well to the human body
  • Aids in supporting your immune system
  • Contributes to the good balance of your intestinal flora
  • Helps promote your digestive health
  • Is acid- and bile-resistant for intestinal survival
  • Produces significant quantities of lactase to potentially aid in lactose intolerance challenges[13]


It contains lactobacillus GG strain. The strain has proven beyond doubt to be useful in reducing colic in infants, lowering the risks of colon cancer and finally stimulating the immune system.  Find out more about culturelle reviews

Dr. Ohhira probiotics

This product is made to reflect various strains and show the special care used in its manufacture. It has the following strains:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Lactobacillus bulgaricus
  • Lactobacillus casei ss. casei
  • Lactobacillus fermentum
  • Lactobacillus helveticcus ss. Jagurti
  • Lactobacillus plantarum

Comprehensive Dr Ohhira Probiotic Review

Renew Life Ultimate Flora Critical Care probiotic.

This is a highly ranking antibiotic that has the lactobacillus strain of bacteria. It is served as one capsule. It is relatively affordable and contains about 83 billion colon forming units.[14]

Safety & Precautions

Saccharomyces boulardii is not safe for individuals with weakened immune systems. It has been linked to fatal conditions like fungemia (localized infection)

If you are allergic to yeast, avoid products or supplements with S.boulardii


[1] http://www.optibacprobiotics.co.uk/live-cultures/what-is-saccharomyces-boulardii

[2] http://www.healthline.com/health/what-yeast-is-good-for-the-gut

[3] http://www.hmphanmi.com.cn/hmp/upload/event/study_4/8.pdf

[4] http://www.thesleuthjournal.com/saccharomyces-boulardii-important-probiotic/

[5] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3296087/

[6] https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/natural/332.html

[7] http://www.healthline.com/health/what-yeast-is-good-for-the-gut

[8] https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/natural/790.html

[11] https://www.iherb.com/c/saccharomyces-boulardii

[12] http://www.thesleuthjournal.com/saccharomyces-boulardii-important-probiotic/

[13] http://probiotics.mercola.com/probiotics.html


Published by
Maryland Wikie

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