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Probiotic Acidophilus Benefits , Uses & Side Effects

Lactobacillus acidophilus is a well-known species of good bacteria. It is also known as acidophilus. Being a good bacteria, as one of the strains, it has critical benefits that emanate from probiotics to the body as a whole. It is present in various sources.

Most of the natural sources of this probiotic undergo a stage of fermentation to allow the probiotic to accumulate and to mature. For instance, it foods, it is present in yogurt, kimchi, miso, and kefir. When these foods are appropriately prepared, they serve to avail the benefits to the body in due course.

Equally, there are supplements which provide the acidophilus strain in the probiotic composition that they are manufactured and packaged in. The intake of these supplements serve to increase the population of the probiotic in the body. As a dietary supplement, it acidophilus is credited to support a favorable environment for the absorption of nutrients. It leads to a better balance of the intestinal micro flora. There are various commercially available products such as natures and bounty acidophilus probiotic, which have a favorable concentration of the acidophilus strain of probiotics.

What is probiotic acidophilus?

Bacteria come in many strains, which are distinct in functions, behavior, reaction and effects. These strains of bacteria have an impact on the bacteria balance in the body. Some are beneficial while others are not. Acidophilus probiotic is one strain which is noted to be beneficial to the body. It is present in the natural foods such as natural yogurt and can also be availed as a supplement to those without access or those who would want to increase the count in their body.


According to Mayo Clinic, acidophilus is a lactobacillus and therefore a member of the lactobacillus genus of bacteria. They are commonly found in the vagina, the mouth as well as the intestines. Acidophilus is thought to produce vitamin K and lactase but is not able to make more. As such, it is more presently found in the upper gastrointestinal track since there are higher amounts of these nutrients.

Probiotic acidophilus benefits & Uses

In the promotion of gut health, this form of probiotic has key functions which it undertakes. It promotes healthy intestinal environment. In effect, the healthier the intestinal environment, the less likely it is for infection and conditions or challenges such as diarrhea. It is credited to alter and balance the PH of your intestinal track. By doing so, the intestinal track becomes less hospitable to other bacteria, which may be dangerous to the entire system and can yield side effects such as diarrhea.

The University of Maryland Medical center points out that the various species of Lactobacillus of the genus acidophilus are noted to specialize. They better operate on given conditions. Most of which are in areas where contaminated food may have been ingested yielding diarrhea as the downside. In this case, these bacteria is able to actively restore the gut state by creating unfavorable conditions for the bacteria causing the diarrhea.

Foods which have sugar content require further breakdown during the digestion phase in order to yield nutrients that can be consumed by the body. This process can be aided by acidophilus bacteria leading to a smoother process.

The journal Revisgta Epasnola de Enfermedades Digestivas, in one of its 2009 issues explained that, when there is supplementation of the foods with probiotics such as acidophilus, there is improvement of irritable bowel syndrome, which is a digestive disorder. It is characterized by intestinal pain increased or decreased muscular activity in the intestinal tract as well as gas.

Patients who experience this disorder therefore are able to have a more improved quality of life since the probiotic acidophilus improves their ability to handle the challenge.

The human skin also derives benefits from the use of probiotics. The skin has various oil glands that are present and functional, which in the presence of bad bacteria may lead to skin conditions that are undesirable. The use of skin care products that have acidophilus probiotics in them is becoming a general trend. The benefits gained is the fact that the probiotics are able to calm the skin cells which send communication to the body’s immune system to react. Secondly, the same probiotics are able to interfere with the functioning of the harmful bacteria thereby reducing their ability to infect and cause inflammation or redness. The net effect is that the human skin is left comfortable.

Other Uses and Benefits Probiotic Acidophilus

In the management of yeast infections, probiotic acidophilus has been noted to have valuable benefits. For instance, in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis , L. acidophuilus has been thought to avail relief. However, more clinical studies are being undertaken to verify the effectiveness and benefits in this angle. Further, there are indications that the consumption of yogurt which contains acidophilus cultures adds to the treatment or prevention of vaginal yeast infections.

Other benefits that are thought of to be availed from probiotic acidophilus but are still under study include their ability to replace the good bacteria which is destroyed by antibiotics, the treatment of chronic constipation, solving of inflammatory bowel diseases and aiding in lactose tolerance. The University of Maryland Medical Center, in its Lactobacillus acidophilus publication also outlines that this bacteria can be used in reduction of childhood eczema, lowering of pollen allergies as well as the treatment of high cholesterol levels in the body.

Acidophilus Pearls Side Effects

Probiotic Acidophilus side effects are much less compared to the benefits this type of good bacteria offers. But it should be brought to your attention that FDA lacks a pathway assigned particularly to deal with priobiotics. Moreover, FDA does not have a regulatory definition of gut bacteria or pribiotics. It is therefore recommended that you consult your doctor before commencing a probiotics regimen. So what are the side effects, cons or disadvantages of lactobacillus acidophilus? What are the side effects of too much probiotics? Do probiotics cause constipation and gas effects? Read on to learn more…

Enzymatic Therapy are the manufacturers of acidophilus pearls probiotics. Following are the side effects of acidophilus probiotics.

According to NCCIH (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine) probiotics, when consumed, in general possess the potential to have microorganisms that are likely to react imperfectly with other microorganisms in your body. The reactions may cause serious gastrointestinal infections.

The amount of probiotics contained in Acidophilus Pearls is said to be too much and as result there is a potential the large may lead to accumulation in your intestines. This accumulation is likely to have a negative effects in your stomach which include cramps, bloating, constipation etc.

For Acidophilus Pearls to survive the not-so-friendly digestive enzymes of your stomach, they are composed of an outer protective shell known as soy lecithin. Some individuals are allergic to soy hence consuming this probiotic may lead to a severe allergic reaction

Too much Acidophilus Side Effects, Gas, Constipation & Rash

As mentioned above when some probiotics like pearl acidophilus , the are likely to grow too much leading to other infections

Though the acidophilus probiotic is considered beneficial, there are instances when its presence in the body may have negative effects. When taken as a supplement, there is a chance that the body may have an increase in stomach gas also termed as bloating. This is considered a light side effect and may clear gradually. However, should it be persistent, there is need to seek a doctors opinion.

There are other characteristics that the body may experience as side effects such as chills, a high fever, a cough which are persistent. These effects should not be ignored as they may be indications that the body does not sit well with the probiotic. It is equally important to seek medical help when this is the case.

Allergic reactions-Rashes, Itching

Allergic reactions to the consumption of acidophilus probiotics are not common, however, there are individuals who report serious allergic reactions which range from getting rashes, swelling, itching , dizziness as well as having trouble when breathing. In such as case, it is very important to seek medical attention and in the process, explain to the medical practitioner the product that you ingested and the duration for which you consumed it.

This probiotic is safe as indicated by Mayo Clinic. However, there is concern for those who may have intestinal damage preexisting and at the same time those who may have an overgrowth of bacteria in the intestines.

How Prevent Probiotic Acidophilus Side Effects

A good practice that could be used to avoid the side effects or to present them before they occur is taking the precautions which are normally indicated in the package insert. For instance, communicate known allergic reactions that you may have previously experienced to the medical practitioner. When on medication such as antibiotics, take time to explain to the medical practitioner of the medication and the conditions for which the medication is administered.

Where there are other preexisting related symptoms before the administration of probiotic acidophilus such as vaginal infections, urinary tract infection among others, take time to communicate them to the medical practitioner for more advice before the use of the probiotic acidophilus as a supplement.

Published by
Maryland Wikie

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